Welcome New Members ... Get Connected
OUTReach operates on donations. If you value the work being done by OUTReach and didn't get a chance to donate please consider doing that now so we can meet our obligations this year. There is an "MS WORD" form that you can fill out, print and send in with your check.
OUTReach maintains a listserv (OUT@listserv.arizona.edu) for the entire lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community at The University of Arizona.
Help on subscribing to the OUT listserv.
Help on un-subscribing from the OUT listserv.
When you receive confirmation of your subscription save the email for future reference. After you're subcription is confirmed you can submit items to the listserv by emailing them to ... OUT@LISTSERV.ARIZONA.EDU
When sharing information on the OUT listserv please include a subject about the general nature of your message. This way "Off Topic" subjects can be skipped by people who are not interested.
If you have problems getting on the the listserv contact the OUTReach email account at out@email.arizona.edu .
General Help on using any Listserv.